Thursday, November 15, 2012

My big girl and my guardian angel

I'm conflicted today on my thankful post.  Today marks one year from my Grandpa's passing.  He passed away around mid-morning on November 15th.  Ironically, someone very special was brought into my life 9 months ago on this day, at 11:41 a.m.  My big girl...

One thing is sad, the other is a joyous and beautiful event.  Something Gretchen said in her comments to my blog in honor of my Grandpa really struck a chord with me.  She said maybe my Grandpa had to pass away before Aubrey was born was meant to be, that another angel needed to be up there watching over us as we had our surgery.  It was such a risky pregnancy, and so much was on the line.  I have always believed in guardian angels.  I believe that both of my grandmothers have always been watching over me.  And I agree with Gretchen - I think Grandpa was watching over me and Aubrey as she came into the world.

I'll never forget that moment I heard her cry and I burst into tears of joy and relief.  She was okay.  She was here.  I'll never forget that moment when T brought her to me, and I touched her little hands and felt her cheeks.  I'll never forget this moment:

And here we are, nine months later, and she's such a big girl.  I can't believe how much she has changed, and I am just so in love with the little girl she is:

So today, I am thankful for my big girl and for the love of my Grandpa who I know was watching over me that morning.  I miss him every day, but I know he is looking down on us and he and my Grandma are smiling. 
God bless you, Grandpa, and God bless you, my little angel, Aubrey.


  1. Such a beautiful post.
    I'm sure your grandfather is watching over you and Aubrey every single day.

  2. I have no doubt whatsoever that our loved ones who have passed help usher in our lttle ones. Your grandpa probably hugged Aubrey before you did :)


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